
Java substring indexof
Java substring indexof

("First index of programming fromIndex 34:" + str. ("First index of in fromIndex 27:" + str.indexOf("in", 27)) // -1 ("First index of in fromIndex 10:" + str.indexOf("in", 10)) // 15 ("First index of programming fromIndex 10:" + str.indexOf("programming", 10)) // -1 ("First index of programming fromIndex -2:" + str.indexOf("programming", -2)) // 7 ("First index of programming fromIndex 4:" + str.indexOf("programming", 4)) //7 If fromIndex is equal to the length of the string or greater than the length of the string -1 is returned. If fromIndex is negative,the substring str searching begins at index 0 and whole string is searched. Returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring str within this string object.If no occurrence is found,-1 is returned. public int indexOf(String str,int fromIndex)


("First index of code :" + str.indexOf("code")) // -1Ĥ. ("First index of programming :" + str.indexOf("programming")) // 7 Returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring str within this string.If str does not exist,-1 is returned.

java substring indexof

("First index of a fromIndex 27(length of string):" + str.indexOf('.', 27)) //-1 Java String indexOf (String substring, int fromIndex) Method Example. In case the function successfully locates the character or. ("First index of a fromIndex -6:" + str.indexOf('a', -6)) // 12 In Java, the indexOf() function is used to find the index of a specific character or substring. If no match exists entirely in the range 0 the index of the first occurrence of the character ch starting from fromIndex up to length-1. int indexOf(String str, String pattern) which returns the index of the first location at which pattern appears as a substring of str. String str = "I love programming in Java." If the character ch does not exist in the string ,-1 is returned.

java substring indexof

The index is in the range 0 to the string’s length-1 i.e ( 0

Java substring indexof